UCLA/VA Center of Excellence for Training and Research
in Veteran Resilience and Recovery
Stakeholder input into an arts initiative (Veteran Journeys Opera) on Veteran and family member experiences with Veteran homelessness and post-traumatic stress (UCLA Healing and Education through the Arts, HEArts)
Upcoming Event 7 PM PST, July 22, 2022 and 3 PM PST, July 24, 2022. Both Live Premiere and Live Stream available!
Live Premiere: https://veteranjourneyopera_livepremiere.eventbrite.com
Live Stream: https://veteranjourneyopera_livestream.eventbrite.com
This project is a UCLA-sponsored opera production from the perspective of Veterans with lived experiences of homelessness and behavioral health needs and providers of services to Veterans. It evaluates the impact on audience members in terms of willingness to engage with Veterans with homelessness/housing insecurity and post-traumatic stress, with outreach for event through COE stakeholders and institutions.
PI: Kenneth Wells, MD, MPH
COE Conference Event (hosted by UCLA Health Services and Society)
This event is a Zoom conference on COE goals, missions, partners, and projects with Veteran-focused arts. This is an opportunity to share goals and progress of COE with the public, academic colleagues, Veterans and families; as well as engage the public in addressing needs of Veterans with homelessness and behavioral health needs through understanding COE mission and progress, with engagement through Veteran-related arts projects.
Last conference was held May 2021.
PIs: Kenneth Wells MD MPH, Sonya Gabrielian MD MPH
Center of Excellence Stakeholder Groups
This event consists of initiating and utilizing a Veteran Engagement Group (VEG) for Veterans with lived experiences of homelessness and behavioral health needs. The VEG works with UCLA, the VA, and community providers of services for Veterans to inform and provide input on projects and priorities for the COE.
PI Directors: Sonya Gabrielian MD MPH, Kenneth Wells MD MPH; Evaluator: Erica Hua Fletcher PhD
COE Investigator Development Group
This group was created to be a team-based approach consisting of a diverse academic mentors across institutions, recruitment of junior investigators/postdoctoral fellows, and linkage to new research opportunities. This increased investigator support, increased research and training goals of the COE support, and identified new initiatives/quality improvement projects for Veteran well-being across UCLA and GLA VA.
PIs: Kenneth Wells MD MPH, Sonya Gabrielian MD MPH