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Special Edition

This supplement includes a collection of articles describing a novel community and patient partnered research network forged during 25 years of community-academic partnering and building trust to achieve true impact. Wells and colleagues provide a comprehensive orientation to this groundbreaking issue that captures community partnered participatory research (CPPR) impacting behavioral health. In addition, the supplement’s research offers articles on new directions in CPPR that are addressing community issues to improve the health of children and other populations, as well as community-academic strategies to advance innovations and impact policy.

Editorial: Advances in Community Partnered Participatory Research
Keith C. Norris

Editorial: Developments in Community Partnered Participatory Research for Behavioral Health
Kenneth B. Wells, Loretta Jones, Bonnie Zima, Carol Eisen

Commentary: 25 Years of Community Partnered Participatory Research
Loretta Jones

The Community and Patient Partnered Research Network:
The Community and Patient Partnered Research Network (CPPRN): Application of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research to Promote Behavioral Health Equity
Armen C. Arevian, Benjamin Springgate, Felica Jones, Sarah L. Starks, Bowen Chung, Ashley Wennerstrom, Loretta Jones, Sheryl H. Kataoka, Krystal Griffith, Olivia K. Sugarman, Pluscedia Williams, Catherine Haywood, Angela Kirkland, Diana Meyers, Ryan Pasternak, Rubinee Simmasalam, Lingqi Tang, Enrico Castillo, Anish Mahajan, Max Stevens, Kenneth B. Wells

Lessons on Patient and Stakeholder Engagement Strategies for Pipeline to Proposal Awards
Ashley Wennerstrom, Benjamin F. Springgate, Felica Jones, Diana Meyers, Norris Henderson, Anthony Brown, Anjali Niyogi, Dolfinette Martin, Jessie Smith, III, Angela L. Kirkland, Loretta Jones, Keith C. Norris

Commentary – Community Partner Experiences in CPPR: What Participation in Partnered Research Can Mean to Community and Patient Stakeholders
Joseph D. Mango, Krystal Griffith, Olivia Kacsits, Matthew Plaia, Antonella Santostefano, Jose Flores, Catherine Haywood, Andrea Jones, Angela Kirkland, Pluscedia Williams

Creating Safe Spaces: A Community Health Worker-Academic Partnered Approach to Addressing Intimate Partner Violence
Ashley Wennerstrom, Catherine Haywood, Maeve Wallace, Meredith Sugarman, Ashlee Walker, Trupania Bonner, Yana Sutton, Barbara Lacen Keller, Marva Lewis, Benjamin Springgate, Katherine Theall

Comparative Effectiveness of Coalitions Versus Technical Assistance for Depression Quality Improvement in Persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions
Benjamin Springgate, Lingqi Tang, Michael Ong, Wayne Aoki, Bowen Chung, Elizabeth Dixon, Megan Dwight Johnson, Felica Jones, Craig Landry, Elizabeth Lizaola, Norma Mtume, Victoria K. Ngo, Esmerelda Pulido, Cathy Sherbourne, Aziza Lucas Wright, Yolanda Whittington, Pluscedia Williams, Lily Zhang, Jeanne Miranda, Thomas Belin, James Gilmore, Loretta Jones, Kenneth B. Wells

Achieving Impact: Community Partners in Care and Beyond:
Community Partners in Care: 6- and 12-month Outcomes of Community Engagement versus Technical Assistance to Implement Depression Collaborative Care among Depressed Older Adults
Adriana Izquierdo, Michael Ong, Esmeralda Pulido, Kenmeth B. Wells, Marina Berkman, Barbara Linski, Vivian Sauer, Jeanne Miranda

12-Month Cost Outcomes of Community Engagement Versus Technical Assistance for Depression Quality Improvement: A Partnered, Cluster Randomized, Comparative-Effectiveness Trial
Bowen Chung, Michael Ong, Susan L Ettner, Michael Mccreary, Felica Jones, James Gilmore, Victoria K. Ngo, Cathy Sherbourne, Lingqi Tang, Elizabeth Dixon, Paul Koegel, Jeanne Miranda, Kenneth B. Wells

Maintaining Internal Validity in Community Partnered Participatory Research: Experience from the Community Partners in Care Study
Thomas R. Belin, Andrea Jones, Lingqi Tang, Bowen Chung, Susan E. Stockdale, Felica Jones, Aziza Wright, Cathy D. Sherbourne, Judy Perlman, Esmeralda Pulido, Michael K. Ong, James Gilmore, Jeanne Miranda, Elizabeth Dixon, Loretta Jones, Kenneth B. Wells

Growing a Community-Academic Partnership: Lessons Learned in Forming a Qualitative Interview Team for the Community Partners in Care Study
Gera L. Anderson, S. Megan Heller, Esmeralda Pulido, Phuscedia Williams, Alisa Orduna, Elizabeth Bromley, Juanita Booker-Vaughns

Whole Person Care in Underresourced Communities: Stakeholder Priorities at Long-Term Follow-Up in Community Partners in Care
Dmitry Khodyakov, Mienah Zulfacar Sharif, Felica Jones, S. Megan Heller, Esmeralda Pulido, Kenneth B. Wells, Elizabeth Bromley

New Directions: Policy:
Commentary: Applying the Community Partners in Care Approach to the Opioid Crisis
Kenneth B. Wells, Katherine E. Watkins, Brian Hurley, Lingqi Tang, Felica Jones, James Gilmore

Stakeholder Perspectives on the Social Determinants of Mental Health in Community Coalitions
Sheryl H. Kataoka, Roya Ijadi-Maghsoodi, Chantal Figueroa, Enrico G. Castillo, Elizabeth Bromley, Heather Patel, Kenneth B. Wells

Community Partnering for Behavioral Health Equity: Public Agency and Community Leaders’ Views of its Promise and Challenge
Elizabeth Bromley, Chantal Figueroa, Enrico G. Castillo, Farbod Kadkhoda, Bowen Chung, Jeanne Miranda, Kumar Menon, Yolanda Whittington, Felica Jones, Kenneth B. Wells, Sheryl H. Kataoka

A Window of Opportunity: Visions and Strategies for Behavioral Health Policy Innovation
Chantal Figueroa, Enrico G. Castillo, Grayson Norquist, Kenneth B. Wells, Krystal Griffith, Farbod Kadkhoda, Felica Jones, Priscilla Shorter, Elizabeth Bromley

New Directions: Child:
Applying a Trauma Informed School Systems Approach: Examples from School Community-Academic Partnerships
Sheryl H. Kataoka, Pamela Vona, Alejandra Acuna, Lisa Jaycox, Pia Escudero, Claudia Rojas, Erica Ramirez, Audra Langley, Bradley Stein

A Cross-Site Partnership to Examine Implementation and Sustainability of a School-Based Trauma Program
Pamela Vona, Shilpa Baweja, Catherine DeCarlo Santiago, Gillian Pears, Audra Langley, Sheryl Kataoka

Voices from Minority Youth on Help-Seeking and Barriers to Mental Health Services: Partnering with School-Based Health Centers
Roya Ijadi-Maghsoodi, Kacy Bonnet, Sophie Feller, Kathleen Nagaran, Maryjane Puffer, Sheryl Kataoka

Development and Evaluation of Two Integrated Care Models for Children Using a Partnered Formative Evaluation Approach
Bonnie T. Zima, Michael McCreary, Kristen Kenan, Michelle Churchey-Mims, Hannah Chi, Madeline Brady, Jewel Davies, Vikki Rompala, Bennett Leventhal

Development of a Telehealth-Coordinated Intervention to Improve Access to Community-Based Mental Health
Sandra Contreras, Lorena Porras-Javier, Bonnie T. Zima, Neelkamal Soares, Christine Park, Alpa Patel, Paul J. Chung, Tumaini R. Coker

New Directions: Other Populations:
Partnering with African American Churches to Create a Community Coalition for Mental Health
Sidney H. Hankerson, Kenneth Wells, Martha Adams Sullivan, Joyce Johnson, Laura Smith, La’Shay Crayton, Faith Miller-Sethi, Clarencetine (Teena) Brooks, Alan Rule, Jaylaan Ahmad-Llewellyn, Doris Rhem, Xavier Porter, Raymond Croskey, Eugena Simpson, Charles Butler, Samuel Roberts, Alicia James, Loretta Jones

Engaging African American Veterans with Health Care Access Challenges in a Community Partnered Care Coordination Initiative: A Qualitative Needs Assessment
Adriana Izquierdo, Michael Ong, Felica Jones, Loretta Jones, David Ganz, Lisa Rubenstein

An Assets-Based Approach to Co-Producing a Culturally Adapted Family Intervention (CaFI) with African Caribbeans Diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Their Families
Dawn Edge, Paul Grey

New Directions: Innovations:
Participatory Technology Development to Enhance Community Resilience
Armen C. Arevian, Jennifer O’Hora, Felica Jones, Joseph Mango, Loretta Jones, Pluscedia Willians, Juanita Booker-Vaughns, Andrea Jones, Esmeralda Pulido, Dennishia Banner-Jackson, Kenneth B. Wells

Community Partnership in Precision Medicine: Themes from a Community Engagement Conference
Loretta Jones, Kenneth B. Wells, Henry J. Lin, Christina Wang, Audrey Kawaiopua Alo, Pluscedia Williams, Felica Jones, Patricia Dixon, Sophia Han, Domingo Pardo, Keith C. Norris, Andrea Jones, Aziza Wright, Kawen Young, Jerome L. Rotter

Special Edition


Past-issue article are available for download for educational and research purposes only. All articles are copyright protected © ISHIB. Reproduction and distribution of multiple copies is strictly prohibited.

Keith C. Norris, MD

Building an Academic-Community Partnered Network for Clinical Services Research: The Community Health Improvement Collaborative (CHIC)
Kenneth B. Wells, MD, MPH; Anne Staunton, PhD, MPH; Keith C. Norris, MD; and the CHIC Council: Ricky Bluthenthal, PhD; Bowen Chung, MD; Lillian Gelberg, MD, MSHS; Loretta Jones, MA; Sheryl Kataoka, MD, MSHS; Paul Koegel, PhD; Jeanne Miranda, PhD; Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH; Kavita Patel, MD; Michael Rodriguez, MD, MSHS; Martin Shapiro, MD, PhD; Marleen Wong, MSW

Witness for Wellness: Preliminary Findings from a Community-Academic Participatory Research Mental Health Initiative
Ricky N. Bluthenthal, PhD; Loretta Jones, MA; Nicole Fackler-Lowrie, MHSA; Marcia Ellison, PhD; Theodore Booker; Felica Jones; Sharon McDaniel, RN, MSN, PMHNP; Moraya Moini, MPH; Kamau R. Williams, MS; Ruth Klap, PhD; Paul Koegel, PhD; Kenneth B. Wells, MD, MPH

Innovative Approaches to Obtaining Community Feedback in the Witness forWellness Experience
Kavita K. Patel, MD; Paul Koegel, PhD; Ted Booker; Loretta Jones, MA; Kenneth Wells, MD, MPH

Supporting Wellness Through Policy and Advocacy: A Case History of a Working Group in a Community Partnership Initiative to Address Depression
Susan Stockdale, PhD; Kavita Patel, MD; Ruthie Gray, BA; Delores A. Hill, LCSW; Charla Franklin; Nisaa Madyun, RNC

The Building Wellness Project: A Case History of Partnership, Power Sharing,and Compromise
Drew Jones, MPH; Charla Franklin; Brittany T. Butler, BA; Pluscedia Williams, BA;Kenneth B. Wells, MD, MPH; Michael A. Rodriguez, MD, MPH

Talking Wellness: A Description of a Community-Academic Partnered Project to Engage an African-American Community around Depression through the Use of Poetry, Film, and Photography
Bowen Chung, MD, MSHS; Charles Edward Corbett, BA; Barbara Boulet, MA; Janet R. Cummings, BA; Keisha Paxton, PhD; Sharon McDaniel, RN, MSN, PMHNP; Sequoia Olivia Mercier, RN, BSN; Charla Franklin; Eric Mercier; Loretta Jones, MA; Barry E. Collins, PhD; Paul Koegel, PhD; Naihua Duan, PhD; Kenneth B. Wells, MD, MPH; Deborah Glik, PhD; and the Talking Wellness Group of Witness for Wellness

Seeking Community Input to Improve Implementation of a Lifestyle Modification Program
Cristina Punzalan, MPH; Keisha C. Paxton, PhD; Heather Guentzel, MPH, MA; Ricky N. Bluthenthal, PhD; Anne D. Staunton, PhD; Gloria Mejia, MD; Leo Morales, MD, PhD; Jeanne Miranda, PhD

A Community Participatory Research Partnership: The Development of a Faith-Based Intervention for Children Exposed to Violence
Sheryl H. Kataoka, MD; Susan Fuentes, RN; Vincent P. O’Donoghue; Patricia Castillo-Campos; Antonia Bonilla; Kristie Halsey, LCSW; Jorge L. Avila; Kenneth B. Wells, MD

Community-Research Collaboration Between Researchers and Acupuncturists: Integrating a Participatory Research Approach in a Statewide Survey of Licensed Acupuncturists in California
Tony Kuo, MD, MSHS; Rebekah Christensen; Lillian Gelberg, MD, MSPH; Lisa Rubenstein, MD, MSPH; Adam Burke, PhD, MPH

Developing Systems Interventions in a School Setting: An Application of Community-Based Participatory Research for Mental Health
Norah E. Mulvaney-Day, PhD; Nancy Rappaport, MD; Margarita Alegria, PhD; Leslie M. Codianne, MA

Ethics of Clinical Research within a Community-Academic Partnered Participatory
Donna T. Chen, MD, MPH; Loretta Jones, MA; Lillian Gelberg, MD, MSPH

Assessing Organizational Readiness and Change in Community Intervention Research: Framework for Participatory Evaluation
Susan E. Stockdale, PhD; Peter Mendel, PhD; Loretta Jones, MA; William Arroyo, MD; Jim Gilmore, MBA

Commentary: Challenges for the Field in Overcoming Disparities through a CBPR Approach
Nina Wallerstein, DrPH

Commentary: Building Partnerships Between Schools and Academic Partners to Achieve a Health-Related Research Agenda
Marleen Wong, PhD

Commentary: Community-Academic Partnership for Research to Improve Health in Communities: A Foundation Officer’s Perspective
Constance M. Pechura, PhD

Commentary: Community Partnered Research: Driving Sensemaking, Managing Knowledge, and Moving Mental Health Care to New Heights
Junius J. Gonzales, MD; Carmen Moten, PhD, MPH

Jones L, Wells K, Norris K. Community-partnered participatory research: strategies and tactics for improving community health. Ethnicity & Disease. 2009; 19(4):S6-1-S6-79.

Springgate BF, Wells KB. Partnered Participatory Research to Build Community Capacity and Address Mental Health Disparities and Disasters. Ethnicity & Disease. 2011;21(3):S1-1 – S1-113.

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