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Dr. Elizabeth Bromley in conversation with
author Mona Simpson about Commitment
Part of the Friends of Semel Open Mind Events
Click Here to Watch
Watch Dr. Kenneth Wells' TedxUCLA Talk:
Follow Your Passion - Science and Art
Click Here to Watch
Watch Dr. Jeanne Miranda's
Tedx Talk on Depression
in Our Most Vulnerable Citizens
Click Here to Watch
Slide LEARN MORE Congratulations to Dr. Kenneth Wells
on receiving a 2019 UCSF Innovators Award
Read the Press Release
Slide Learn more about our
HEArts Program
Click Here

Welcome to the UCLA Center for Health Services and Society

Our mission is to strengthen resiliency and improve the mental health of local and national diverse populations through rigorous research, effective programs, and partnering with consumers, children and their families, community-based and policy agencies.

Our Values


Collaborating with diverse partnerships to create an environment that promotes


Promoting respect, understanding and dignity towards persons and their families living in under-resourced communities


Using media, technology, and the arts to address stigma, engage populations, and promote empathy


Leveraging advances in mobile health technologies to improve access, engagement, and empowerment in mental health care


Dedicating effort and resources to engaging communities in all phases of research, from design to dissemination


Employing rigorous partnered-research to promote a culture of health equity through two-way knowledge exchange and policy reform


Congratulations to Dr. Bonnie Zima on receiving the 2022 UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Outstanding Research Mentor Award


In May 2019, UCLA HSS and Healthy African American Families produced the stage play We See You, Sis written by Dr. Kia Skrine Jeffers as part of our California Arts Research in the Arts grant. Visit the Website

Dr. Kenneth Wells receives the UCLA 2019 Lifetime Achievement in Education from the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences



Recent Published Articles

Research in the Arts


Our HEArts (Healing and Education through the Arts) Program explores the effective use of patient narratives, media and creative arts (from operas to plays to films) to stimulate support, sharing and reflection among stakeholders to increase coping and compassion for mental illness.

Learn More about HEArts

We opened the door for a real authentic partnership and it had equality and an opportunity for the community to sit at the table and be heard.

–Loretta Jones
Community Partner and Friend

Dr. Loretta Jones will be remembered as a true champion who has linked so many people and communities together and ensured that everyone had a seat at the table. We will continue to honor and celebrate her incredible, impactful, and important work.

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