Esmeralda Pulido (formerly Esmeralda Ramos) was the Project Manager for the Community Partners in Care (CPIC), Building Resiliency & Increasing Community Hope (B-RICH), and Health Neighborhood Initiative (HNI) studies at the UCLA Center for Health Services and Society under the direction of Drs. Ken Wells, Jeanne Miranda, and Bowen Chung. Mrs. Pulido oversaw all areas of CPIC, B-RICH, and HNI including project planning, implementation, and evaluation. She served as one of the instructors for the B-RICH study Resiliency Class intervention in both English and Spanish. Mrs. Pulido supported in-person trainings, provided continuous implementation support and supervision to resiliency class instructors in the CMMI demonstration with LA County DHS called MAMA’s Neighborhood a Strong Start for Families. She worked as a Community Health Worker on the EXPORT Project- Mood and Diabetes Empowerment & Improvement Training (MADE-IT) developing intervention materials, translating documents to Spanish, recruiting research participants, and conducting several classes on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with low-income elderly Latino depressed diabetics in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Mrs. Pulido worked as a Research Assistant with Dr. Carolyn Mendez-Luck on the Mexican-Origin Women’s Concepts of Giving Care to Older Relatives project interviewing Mexican/Mexican-American female caregivers about their experiences with taking care of a loved one. Mrs. Pulido has been working with Latino and African-American underserved populations in Los Angeles County since 2006. She graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Sociology and a minor in Chicana/o Studies in 2008 and a Master’s in Public Health in Health Policy and Management in 2015.
Community Partners in Care
Community Partners in Care (CPIC) is a collaborative research project of community and academic partners working together to learn the best way to reduce the burden that depression places on our communities and other vulnerable populations. We work in the communities of South Los Angeles (SPA 6) and Hollywood-Metro LA (SPA 4). CPIC was developed out of five years of collaborative work on how to address depression in our communities, on many years of prior research on how to improve depression care in primary care settings, and on extensive efforts to address health disparities through community-partnered initiatives.
Stone Soup Community Engagement Activity with Felica Jones (Healthy African American Families)
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved as part of the overall County Strategic Plan, a Health Neighborhood Initiative under the leadership of the Departments of Mental Health, Public Health and Health Services, to support integration/coordination of services for shared clients with behavioral health problems such as depression while also addressing one or more, community-prioritized social determinants of health/mental health. This program is based partially on the approach and findings of the Community Partners in Care study of the Center for Health Services and Society. The new Behavioral Health Center of Excellence, will partner with Los Angeles County and community-based agencies to develop and evaluate the pilot phase of this initiative.
- Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Award: Community Partners in Care
- 2015 UCLA Landmark Award, Community Program of the Year: Community Partners in Care
Chung B, Ngo VK, Ong MK, Pulido E, Jones F, Gilmore J, Stoker-Mtume N, Johnson MD, Tang L, Wells KB, Sherbourne C, Miranda J. Participation in Training for Depression Care Quality Improvement: A Randomized Trial of Community Engagement or Technical Support. Psychiatric Services in Advance. 2015; 66(8): 831-83.
Mango J, Cabiling E, Wright A, Jones F, Jones L, Ramos A, Pulido E, Wells K, Chung B. Community Partners in Care (CPIC): Video Summary of Rationale, Study Approach / Implementation, and Client 6-month Outcomes. 2014.
Wells KB, Chung B, Dixon EL, Tang L, Gilmore J, Sherbourne C, Ngo VK, Ong M, Stockdale S, Ramos E, Belin T, Miranda J. Community-partnered cluster-randomized comparative effectiveness trial of community engagement and planning or program technical assistance to address depression disparities. J Gen Intern Med. 2013; 28(10): 1268-1278.
Miranda J, Ong M, Jones L, Chung B, Dixon E, Tang L, Gilmore J, Sherbourne C, Ngo V, Stockdale S, Ramos E, Belin T, Wells KB. Community-Partnered Evaluation of Depression Services for Clients of Community-Based Agencies in Under-Resourced Communities in Los Angeles. J Gen Intern Med. 2013; 28(10): 1279-1287.
Khodyakov D, Pulido E, Ramos A, Dixon E. Community-partnered research conference model: the experience of community partners in care study. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2014 Spring;8(1):83-97.
Belin TR, Jones A, Stockdale SE, Tang L, Jones F, Wright F, Perlman J, Ramos E, Jones L, Dixon E, Wells B. Developing a Randomization Protocol in a Community-Partnered Participatory Research Project to Reduce the Burden of Depression. In JSM Proceedings, Health Policy Statistics Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2010; 5165-5171.
Chung B, Ngo V, Ong M, Jones F, Dwight Johnson M, Mtume N, Tang L, Pulido E, Gilmore J, Wells K, Miranda J. Depression Care Training Participation: Randomized Trial of Community Engagement or Technical Support. Psychiatric Services, in press.
Stockdale S, Tang L, Pulido E, Lucas-Wright A, Chung B, Horta M, Masongsong Z, Jones F, Belin TR, Sherbourne C, Wells K. Sampling and Recruiting Community-based Programs for a Cluster-Randomized, Comparative Effectiveness Trial Using Community-Partnered Participation Research: Challenges, Strategies and Lessons Learned from Community Partners in Care. Health Promotion Practice, in press.